“Return to the Ancient Path… there you shall find rest for your soul.“

About Us
Ancient Path Revivals consists of a group of individuals and ministries whose mission is to restore the full Truth of the gospel message and to repair the breach among the body of Messiah. We aim to share this message of love and obedience across the four corners of the Earth through gatherings and baptisms, teachings and music. We hope to help ignite a true revival of the Holy Spirit and keeping the ways of the Most High YHWH, and His Son Yahusha (commonly known as Jesus) in spirit and truth.
Gathering Information
Live on YouTube
For livestreams of our Sabbath services, please visit us on YouTube. Each week, we share a message followed by praise and worship. The stream begins around noon central time.
In-depth Studies
For in-person fellowship, we meet each Wednesday evening at 6pm central time to read and discuss scripture together. Food is provided!
Each Saturday we gather around 12 pm central to fellowship for the Sabbath. This begins with a message from one of our elders, followed by praise and worship and then an oneg-style lunch. (Food must be Biblically clean according to Leviticus 11)
This time is followed by prayer requests and praise reports, then the children break off for “Shabbat School” while we go over the Torah Portion together.