Where fellowship means family…
We are located at 4099 Cravens Drive in Macomb, Missouri. Our fellowship meets together often to study the Word, sing and dance unto YHWH, eat delicious food, and even work and create together.
Local Gatherings
Each week, we have several opportunities to gather together to study the Word and worship YHWH. We also have a monthly New Moon celebration, as well as a bi-monthly indoor marketplace!
Every Monday night starting at 6pm central
- Connect with other men of Yah
- Sharpen one another in the Word
- Dinner is provided
- Men only, please. No ladies or littles.

midweek bible study
Wednesday nights with dinner beginning at 6pm central
- Enjoy fellowship with one another
- Dig deep into the word, line by line
- Dinner is provided
- Currently, we are reading the book of Sirach, aka Ecclesiasticus, found in the 1611 KJV and Apocrypha
weekly shabbat
Every Saturday beginning at noon central lasting until about 5pm
- Study by one of our elders
- Praise and Worship by Left and Right Ministries
- Oneg/potluck style lunch
- Please follow the dietary guidelines outlined in Leviticus 23
- No artificial food colorings or high fructose corn syrup due to allergies/sensitivities
- Please label all ingredients
- Prayer requests/laying on of hands, praise reports
- Children’s program
- Line-by-line Torah portion study

Sunday marketplace
1st and 3rd Sunday of every Month from 10-4pm central
- Support local businesses and artisans
- Bounce house and other children’s activities available for free, weather permitting
- Lunch is available for a donation
- Interested in vending? Email us at [email protected]
new moon celebration
Evening of the sighted sliver crescent moon each month at 6pm central
- Praise and Worship
- Bounce house and other children’s activities, weather permitting
- Dinner together
- Dance party to YHWH

CORE BELIEFS // mission
YHWH sent His son to die for us, He rose again, and is coming back!
We believe that YHWH sent His only begotten son, Yahusha (Hebrew name for Jesus), to die for our sins. On the third day, he rose from the grave and will soon return to rule this Earth in righteousness.
The whole Bible is true and applicable to all of our daily lives.
We believe in the keeping of the commandments and instructions of the Most High, YHWH. (Hebrew name for our Heavenly Father)
the seventh-day Sabbath rest as well as the Biblical feast days outlined in Leviticus 23 are still for today.
YHWH created the Heavens and the Earth in six days, and on the seventh day he rested. So do we! The seventh-day Sabbath and YHWH’S feast days were commanded to be observed as a perpetual sign of the covenant, for both the natural branch, and the grafted in gentiles. We find joy in doing so!
the Father and His Son have names, and it is a blessing to proclaim them!
We find it a blessing to call upon our Heavenly Father and His Son by their Hebrew names, rather than titles such as “god” and “lord” While there are many different understandings of exactly how to pronounce the names, we don’t discriminate. Our preferred pronunciation for the Father’s name is Yahuah, and Yahusha or Yahshua for the Messiah. Other understandings include Yahweh, Yehovah, Yeshua, Yahoshua, etc.
(Please note that we do not believe that one is calling upon a false god or unsaved if they do not use the Hebrew names.)
We aim to repair the breach among the body of Messiah.
Within the movement of individuals waking up to the full truth of the gospel in keeping of the commandments, there are a lot of areas where the enemy tries to create strife and contention. Regardless of the small differences we may have, such as calendar interpretations, pronunciation of the name, race/cultural background, etc, it is our goal to pursue peace with all men, especially our brothers and sisters in Messiah. (Hebrews 12:14)
we strive to help others find genuine, deep, and lasting healing from trauma and brokenness.
When we commit our lives to following YHWH by accepting His Son as our savior and shepherd, we are totally forgiven by the blood that he shed for us. However, sometimes we encounter trials and tribulations in life or are raised in situations that cause long-lasting damage that we must work through to fully walk in our forgiveness. This includes forgiving ourselves, and others who have wronged us. We want to help cut these problems off at the root so that good fruit may be produced.
making disciples is of utmost importance.
Discipleship is a necessary part of our walk, for both men, women, and children of all ages. We have various opportunities for intentional discipling within our fellowship, with plans to grow in this area. We believe by bearing one another’s burdens and coming alongside each other, we can all grow stronger in YHWH together.
the role of the holy spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit is freely given to those who believe in the son of the Most High, Yahusha(Jesus) and are baptized in his name. We believe the Holy Spirit was given to convict us of sin (John 16:7-14) Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are given gifts according to YHWH’s will. The Holy Spirit is also given to help us walk according to His Torah. (Ezekiel 36:26-27)
Meet Our Leadership Team
Our leadership team is here to serve the body of Messiah and happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us at [email protected] to get connected!

Adam Fink
Head Pastor

Jake Grant
Assistant Pastor

Linden Mitchell
Worship Leader

Lee Garner
Assistant/Children’s Pastor
“Find rest for your soul.”
If you’ve been searching for more than just a church or fellowship, come visit us sometime. We are a deeply connected faith-family who are committed to sincerely serving our Heavenly Father by loving each other like our Messiah loves us and keeping His commandments.